Exclusive Offer: Free UK Tax Consultation

Free 30-min UK tax consultation for your London buy-to-let investment

Date: 26-30 Sep 2023

Time: 10AM - 6PM

Venue: Benham & Reeves Hong Kong Office in Central

By Appointment only

As a valued investor, we would like to extend an exclusive offer to you for a complimentary 30-minute UK tax consultation tailored specifically to your London buy-to-let investment.

At Benham & Reeves, we understand the importance of maximising your investment returns while ensuring tax efficiency. Expert advice to guide property investors like yourself through the complexities of UK tax laws will help you optimise your tax planning and minimise your liabilities.

During this personalised consultation, our expert will provide you with insights on possible tax-saving strategies and answer any specific queries you may have regarding your investment. Topics that may be covered include:

  • Understanding tax obligations related to your buy-to-let investment
  • Deductible expenses and allowable deductions
  • Capital gains tax implications and strategies to mitigate them
  • UK income tax and how much of the rental income is taxed
  • Stamp duty land tax and other property-related taxes
  • Incorporation as a limited company and its potential tax benefits
  • How inheritance tax works and its implications on property ownership
  • UK residence/non-resident and domicile status impacts on tax

This free consultation serves as an opportunity for you to gain valuable tax advice that can greatly impact your investment's profitability. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and resources needed to make informed decisions and ensure your investment remains both lucrative and compliant.

Please note that this offer is limited to the first 20 investors, so it is advisable to book your consultation slot as soon as possible to secure your place.

We look forward to assisting you in optimising your London buy-to-let investment through efficient tax planning. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights from an experienced tax professional.

Gladys Yow

Gladys Yow FCCA is Founder and Director of Business Accounting and Taxation (Bath) Ltd.

Practising in the UK since 2001, Gladys Yow lived and worked in Toronto, Canada prior to returning to the UK. She worked in the Canadian Banking industry (Citibank Canada and Scotiabank) and has started and ran several successful businesses in the UK and Canada. A company Director and entrepreneur herself she understands the value of investment opportunities and of increasing net worth.

Gladys is a Singaporean expatriate fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. She is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) practising in the UK.

Her company’s UK clients are based in London, Edinburgh, Bristol, Bath, Nottingham, Oxford and across the UK. Overseas clients include residents in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Malaysia, Singapore, Ireland, USA, Australia and Cyprus.

Register Your Free 30-Min UK Tax Consultation

Do you own a London property?

**Limited slots - RSVP is required before the event and our team will get in touch to confirm your appointment. We regret that we cannot accept walk-ins.